Philosophical Zombie AI or Intelligence Without Consciousness

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Philosophical Zombie AI or Intelligence Without Consciousness

Post by dragoner »

I use the p-zombie in my game as an example of AI for spacecraft, while it can locate itself in a 3D environment, it does not have a concept of self, and is not conscious on that level. This differs from the singularity AI, Gaia, which does have a conscious sense of self. Maybe they are like the aliens with planet sized "brains" and what we see are their drones, or Scramblers, like in Peter Watts' Blindsight:
"The notion that these aliens could lack consciousness and possess intelligence is linked to the idea that some humans could also have diminished consciousness and remain outwardly functional.[7][8] This idea is similar to the concept of philosophical zombie, as it is understood in philosophy of mind. Blindsight supposes that sociopaths might be a manifestation of this same phenomenon,[7][9] and the demands of corporate environments might be environmental factors causing some part of humanity to evolve toward becoming philosophical zombies.[7][10]"
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